Efficient Development of Urban Water Services
Work Package: Rehabilitation of a Sewer Unit in Isfahan
Isfahan was the first city in Iran with a modern sewer system. On the other hand it is more than 40 years old and parts of it are in a bad condition due to poor maintenance. To this day Iran has amassed little experience with successful sewer system rehabilitation.
Project Activities
In the course of this work package the Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) method, a cost-efficient alternative to open construction work, is tested. The new pipe is installed tight-fitting to the old pipe. The Saghir Street has already been defined as an appropriate canal section where the method is now being tested. After necessary preliminary works and planning the section has now been rehabilitated by the German company Frisch & Faust Tiefbau. The Iranian Water and Wastewater Engineering Company (NWWEC) staffs are involved in the rehabilitation works and are being supervised in order for them to gain practical experience in applying this method. The rehabilitation works will be recorded in order to use the film as training material in the future.
Hamid Reza Janbaz, Managing Director of NWWEC
Assessment of possible sewer rehabilitation test site.
Expected Outcomes
The prospected outcome of this work package is the successful training of multipliers (training of trainers) for the future use of the CIPP technology.
Ute Eismann, p2m berlin, ute.eismann@p2mberlin.de