مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آب زاینده رود

Hydrological modeling of river basins using SWAT model


2017, August 29 - 30 (2days)

Training course description

Course objectives Participants learn the principles and concepts of river basin hydrological modeling
Participants would be able to install and use SWAT model for large scale modeling in data scare watersheds
Various applications of the SWAT model in hydrological modeling topics will be trained
Participants will learn how to develop a hydrological SWAT model for Iranian river basins
Content Training course setup; training starting session; elements of closing session
Principles and concepts of river basin hydrological modeling
SWAT model theory and principles
Required input data: preparation and utilization
Model building: an applicable example
Model building: an applicable example for Iranian watersheds
Interpretation of the model results
Duration (educational hours (45´)) 8 sessions; 15 educ. hours
Language English
Trainer Dr. Ali Asghar Besalatpour
Training Methods situated exercises (individual / group), thematically inputs, self-learning formats, running the model as an example
Training providers inter 3
Partner Organisations

Training course schedule