
Supporting Capacity Development

Work Package: Recommendations for Training System Improvement


Practical and advanced training misses to communicate how to identify and address actual water management problems in day-to-day business. This seems to be the case particularly for governmental training facilities that are the main providers for advanced training in Iran’s water sector. There is, though, a political will to adjust the educational system to the changing conditions in the water sector.

Project Activities

The project addresses the fields of training demand assessment and evaluation in particular because here bureaucratic guidelines and actual procedures do not appear to be productive. Workshops and expert interviews are used to collocate the main challenges using a Constellation Analysis, a tool which allows analysing and visualizing the interaction of different actors and factors. The fact that the constellation analysis takes into account not only actors and institutions but also technologies, resources, and legal and economic factors ensures that the obstacles analysis is conducted in the required complexity. Visualizing the results permits locating the actors involved within the overall advanced training system constellation. An online survey among the staff of the water institutions and companies will supplement the findings. The German-Iranian project team will develop recommendations for optimising the current system.

Capacity development at Passavant & Watec.

Workshop participants.

Signing of joint declaration of intent.

Expected Outcomes

The developed recommendations are incorporated into the GICC concept. It is expected that the recommendations and their experimental adaptation provides useful impulses for further improvement of the training sector as a whole.


Lena Horlemann, inter 3