مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آب زاینده رود

Competency based knowledge transfer in adult education and lifelong learning activities and best practice transfer – basics


2017, April 29 - May 1 (3days)

Course objectives Participants handle main success factors for adults learning
Participants are able to use practice oriented interactive didactic methods in adults training
Participants are able to develop practice oriented training material out of IWRM pilot projects of BMBF-Project
Content Training course setup; training starting session; elements of closing session
Human brain functions and easy learning factors
Trainers / teachers tasks and roles; self-test, body language exercises
Contents, new materials and active learning methods; exercises
Group roles and group dynamics, critical group situations
Capacity development, lifelong learning standards and HR measures
Duration (educational hours (45´)) 12 sessions; 24 educ. hours
Language English
Trainer Roland Knitschky
Training Methods thematically inputs, situated exercises (individual / group), self-learning for-mats, Video grabbing; use of wastewater training kid and show/demonstration pieces,
Training providers DWA (German association for water, wastewater and waste)
Partner Organisations